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Welcome to the Acupuncture Academy

The Acupuncture Academy is a school of traditional Chinese acupuncture. Acupuncture has been successfully practiced in China for more than 2000 years and has come to Europe to stay and develop. The Acupuncture Academy is on the front line of this development. Since the start in 1991, we have helped lay the foundations for a completely new medicine in Sweden.

We conduct both basic education and advanced courses in acupuncture and other related techniques. Our three-year basic education is approved by the Swedish Acupuncture Association Traditional Chinese Medicine-TCM. Our course premises are located in Stockholm.

Our education also lays the foundation for further education in Chinese herbal medicine and other Chinese treatment methods.

We have been active since 1991

Long experience and solid knowledge are what distinguish us. We can offer you a very solid acupuncture training where you learn how to diagnose and treat various problems and diseases based on the approach of Chinese medicine. In addition to needle techniques, you will also learn cupping, moxa, guasha, tuina massage and other techniques. Chinese nutrition with dietary recipes is also included. Pulse diagnostics is also an important method in Chinese diagnostics and our teachers have extensive experience with it.

The Acupuncture Academy was the first acupuncture school in Sweden with teaching in Swedish with Swedish teachers. We started in premises at Uppsala University in January 1991 together with Jan Westman, professor of anatomy at BMC. We are constantly working to improve our education and we participate internationally to improve the status and educational requirements of acupuncture. We were behind the initiative together with Andreas Noll and Gerd Ohmstede from the German association AGTCM for the first meeting that led to the formation of a joint European association ETCMA. We have also been involved in taking the initiative for a Nordic collaboration between acupuncture schools. We were the first school in Europe that was able to assimilate our own education and then supplement it at Jiangxi University and study for a Bachelor’s degree in Chinese Medicine. Never before had this happened at a Chinese university and permission from the Ministry of Education in China was required to carry this out. We are one of the few schools in Sweden that start new courses every year. It is a great security for students who need to take a semester or a year off to know that they can resume their studies again. One of the world’s foremost experts on classical Chinese medical texts, Elisabeth Rochat, has regularly lectured with us.

Jan Lindborg and Peter Torssell received their Bachelor’s degrees at Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in June 2005, which corresponds to their medical training in Chinese medicine.

The Acupuncture Academy’s values ​​and goals

The Acupuncture Academy places great emphasis on the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine. This means holistic thinking and a respect for individuality and an inherent belief in self-healing that can be supported and regulated with the help of acupuncture.

The Academy’s goal is to create professional practitioners of the highest quality. Based on traditional Chinese medicine, they can determine what has caused the imbalance and develop an effective treatment as well as recommend lifestyle changes to address the problems. In this way, acupuncture can become an effective supplement to conventional medicine.

About Us

Peter Torssell

Principal and head teacher

B.Chin.Med. which is equivalent to a medical degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine at Jiangxi University in China. He built on his 3-year training in traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture by studying Chinese herbal medicine for 1 year in the late 80s.

Peter Torssell has since worked with his own clinic in Sollentuna. In 1989 and 1992, Peter Torssell practiced in hospitals in China, in Nanjing and in Beijing. In recent years, Peter Torssell has traveled and lectured on traditional Chinese medicine and some of its specialties such as nutrition, children’s medicine and children’s massage.

Peter Torssell has further trained with Giovanni Maciocia, Jeremy Ross, Peter Firebrace, Dr John F Shen and Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée. Studies at Jiangxi University in China 2003-2005.

Since 1997, Peter Torssell has been active at the Acupuncture Academy.

Eva Hagman

Director of studies and teacher

Eva was born and raised in Visby, but since 1997 lives in Stockholm. Before she got caught up in the wonderful world of Chinese medicine, she worked in healthcare and later in the airline industry.

Eva has extensive experience in traditional Chinese medicine and has studied at the Swedish TCM School 1996-1998 (now the Swedish Institute for Chinese Medicine) and Reijo Pöyhönen. She has also done an internship at the Army Hospital in Beijing as well as practiced and worked with Dr. Ma in Stockholm.

As Eva constantly wants to expand her knowledge, she has furthered her education in, among other things, Japanese acupuncture, Face Reading, infertility and life-enhancing techniques in classical Chinese medicine, Yang Sheng.

Eva has for many years been both a member and later Union Secretary of the Swedish Acupuncture Association, and her clinic has been in Täby since 2023.

Jana Särman


Jana Särman read her basic training in acupuncture for Jeremy Ross 1993-1996. She has practiced acupuncture in Nanjing in 1996 and in Kunming at the Yunnan Provincial Hospital for Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2012-2013.

She has further trained in pain management, emotional problems and trauma for teachers such as Magubana, Richard Tan and Yair Maimon. During the period 2013-2015, she studied classical Chinese herbal medicine at ICEAM.

She has studied Chinese at advanced level at Lund and Stockholm universities, as well as in Chengdu, at Sichuan University. In Chengdu, at the Faculty of Daoism, she studied Daoist scriptures on meditation, cultivating life and inner alchemy, and had the eminent Deng Yizhuang as her teacher from 1985-87.

Jana practices qigong, taiji quan and meditation etc. since 1980. She has learned from several prominent teachers from Daoist, Buddhist and other traditions.
She has also studied Chinese cosmology, tiangan dizhi, heavenly trunks and earthly branches and more for Zhongxian Wu.

Jana has an acupuncture clinic in Stockholm and teaches qigong and meditation at retreats and workshops and makes qigong trips to Daoist holy mountains.

Elisa Liao


Elisa Liao comes from China where she is trained as a doctor and acupuncturist. Elisa has studied traditional Chinese medicine at Kunming Medical College in southern China for five years.

She has also studied a two-year extension course in traditional Chinese medicine. Elisa Liao has worked for 17 years as a general practitioner and acupuncturist at Kunming University Hospital and Shenzhen City Hospital.

Since 1992, Elisa Liao has lived in Sweden and she is famous for her extensive and unique knowledge of different techniques in Chinese medicine.